Crabyon, from crabs to textile

Crabyon, from crabs to textile

Crabyon Viscose yarn is made with a Viscose deriving from cellulose, added with chitin-chitosan.
This substance comes from recycling of the crab shellfish, saved from the waste of the food supply chain, through a particular production process patented worldwide.
In Europe, the only spinner of Crabyon is Pozzi Electa.

Find out more reading the article on Lampoon magazine.


Resistance to washing and to climate factors, additionally to antibacterial, antimicrobial and hypoallergenic properties,  make the yarn Crabyon Viscose perfect to produce technical garments, especially in the sports and medical fields. The fabrics made with Crabyon gives comfort and well-being also to underwear garments.

For milion years,  chitin-chitosan has protected crabs from pathogenic attachs.

Chitin and Lysozyme activation, two enzymes that decompose the cellular membrane,  inhibit the birth of bacteria mostly traceable on the microbial flora of the skin, such as  Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis.


Crabyon derives from nobilitaion of cellulose fibers, coming from trees such as beech and eucalyptus, adding chitin-chitosan to the Viscose fibers.

The Viscose base in Crabyon production modifies its structure, adding chitin-chitosan to the cellulosic structure.

The active principle, chitin-chitosan, very similar to cellulose, becomes a part of the fiber structure, from which no external action can separate it (eg dyeing, washing or a long use of the garment).

The yarn production process does not modify the fiber structure, as no chemical agent comes into play.

Find out more on our collection of yarns made with Crabyon:


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