Corporate welfare

Corporate welfare: the well-being of people according to Pozzi Electa

A thread that links Pozzi Electa to Val Seriana

Val Seriana is the place where it all started. In this part of the Bergamo area, as early as 1889, the “F.lli Pozzi fu Pasquale” company built the first factory and installed a vertical axis turbine fed by the waters of the river Serio, to replace an old existing mill. The relationship with the territory has always been very strong and profound, like an indestructible thread that winds from the production sites of Pozzi Electa, starting from Ponte Selva. This small town was built specifically for the company. The construction of houses for workers and employees, a church, a boarding school and a school created a community that is closely linked and supportive around the industrial world of Pozzi Electa.

We are in Val Seriana and Val Seriana is reflected in our company. Together, we have overcome severe crises during the Great War and the Second World War. Together, we have grown and improved to bring the best Italian textile tradition to Italy, Europe and the rest of the world. Together, we have worked to fulfill the most disparate desires of our customers, including major Italian and international fashion brands. Together, we face a dynamic market, which is complex and full of pitfalls. We fight a war on downward prices and, consequently, on the quality of products. We respond to these challenges with the excellence of our yarns, authentic Made in Italy, and by investing in technological innovation and environmental protection, accompanied by collaborators who share the same values.

The well-being of our staff at Pozzi Electa

Since the very beginning of Pozzi Electa history, we have always tried our best to make our staff feel good and at ease. For us, each of our collaborator is a member of a large family, our family. For these reasons, we guarantee healthy, fair and safe working conditions to the staff of Pozzi Electa. Furthermore, we try to pursue an ethical vision also outside of the company. For example, we prefer to buy raw materials in Europe or from companies with a secure reputation. Furthermore, we always try to keep alive that thread that binds Pozzi Electa to its staff and suppliers, over time.

The well-being of our customers

In addition to taking care of the workers, we also try to make a difference towards our clients and the end consumers of Pozzi Electa products. For us, the well-being of both is the peace of mind of knowing that promises are kept.: values that are added to the content and to the results that our yarns can create. In turn, the features of the yarns depend on the excellent quality of the raw materials and the skilful combination of natural, artificial and synthetic fibers. Pozzi Electa yarns allow, in fact, the creation of finished products for clothing, underwear, the technical sector and interior design that respect people’s health and the environment.